When installing a CD or Hard Drive you first
have to make sure that the jumpers are set properly. The back of
all drives have a series of jumpers. The MA jumper that designates
the drive as the Master, The SL jumper designating the drive as a
Slave unit, and CS stands for cable select and is only if you have
a cable select cable. Hard drives variety with each manufacturer
and may have a few other settings so its best to follow the
settings on the hard drives label.
Its best to keep your main hard drive as the master. New
computer's will generally have two IDE channels, a primary and a
secondary, which can take two drives each. The simplest way to set
them up would be to make both the CD-ROM drive and the hard drive
masters, and plug each of them into a separate IDE channel. If you
have more than two drives than keep your main hard drive and
CD-ROM drive as the master and set any additional drive as a
slave. Its also best practice to put your main hard drive on the
primary IDE Channel.
When you start your PC Its best to set the BIOS to an Auto detect
of the drive, if it cant find the new drive, switch off the PC and
double check your work, the IDE cable has a stripe on it to
represent pin one make sure its in the right position on both
ends. Try unplugging the CD Rom, if you have both units jumpers
set the same on the same cable this maybe why it doesn't work.
Also read the label of HDD and the motherboards manual again make
sure you have the jumpers set correctly. also note some CD Drives
will not show up in the auto detect, this is normal and they are
working ok.