Friendly Robotics Robomower

Get back your weekends with this great robot lawn mower.

robowmowThe Robomow by Friendly Robotics is convenient, easy, robotic, and clean–and it transforms the world of yard work! Set up once, turn on, and the Robomower cuts the grass on almost any surface–all by itself. Getting the system set up in your yard can take most of an afternoon, but the well-written manual makes the job easier.

The biggest part of the set-up task is stringing the perimeter wire around your yard, marking the boundaries the Robomower will stay within. Once you’re set, and the mower is on, the machine simply senses the perimeter wire and uses three mulching blades to cut down everything inside the wire. Thanks to the onboard computer, the Robomower can even learn parts of your yard as it mows, making it quicker next time. The mower is quiet, automatic, and the mulching blades mean that when it’s done you don’t need to bag or rake.

The Robomower is outfitted with safety features. It won’t run at all if it’s flipped over with the blades exposed. Likewise, it turns tail and backs off if its soft 360-degree bumpers encounter any foreign object (like a pet or toy or favourite rose bush). A theft deterrent also system keeps the unit safe. The Robomower is very quiet compared to other lawn mowers, although because it takes longer to get the job done than a human with a walk-behind mower, what noise there is lasts longer. The mower works best on level yards smaller than 3,200 square feet, with the grass reasonably tame to begin with. It does not work well on hilly or overgrown yards. While it takes a full day to recharge the battery, a full charge is enough to mow most lawns. (The mower is definitely no lightweight, either; it takes two people to remove the machine from the box when it arrives). The Robomower is definitely a smart idea for folks with physical conditions that make strenuous activities like mowing difficult, but it’s also a great product for anyone who feels like there’s always something better to do with a weekend afternoon than lawn mowing. Rechargeable power pack comes included.

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